Oral Cancer Screening
At Sweet Home Dental, we screen for oral cancer at every preventative care visit. Dr. Wolthuis feels for lumps or irregular tissue changes in your neck, head, cheeks and oral cavity, and thoroughly examines the soft tissues in your mouth, specifically looking for any sores or discolored tissues.
Why VELscope?
The VELscope system helps dental professionals visualize abnormalities in the mucosal tissues of your lips, mouth and upper throat. In just two minutes, with no rinses, stains or discomfort, a VELscope examination lets healthcare professionals improve their assessment of your overall oral health.
Make sure that your mouth is as healthy as it can possibly be. The next time you visit Smile Help Dental, ask for a VELscope exam.
How Does the VELscope Work?
The VELscope's blue light "excites" molecules (called "fluorophores") deep within the layers of oral mucosal tissues. In turn, those fluorophores emit their own light (fluorescence), in shades of green, yellow and red. The VELscope's proprietary filter makes fluorescence visualization possible, by blocking reflected blue light, and by enhancing the contrast between normal and abnormal tissue.
Contact us for more information about Oral Cancer Screenings.